Console commands warhammer total war 2
Console commands warhammer total war 2

console commands warhammer total war 2 console commands warhammer total war 2

add axp number – add number of ranks to all units of selected army.add unit unit_key – add unit with unit_key to selected army*.

console commands warhammer total war 2

add unit unit_key number – add number of units with unit_key to selected army*.mov off – removes the buff with bonus movement points from the selected character (and switch your army stance after to reset your movement).mov – gives the selected character a buff with bonus movement points.add mov – restore selected char movement points.give gold – gives 50000 gold to the player, same faction things as above.give gold number – gives number of gold to the player (can also be negative), if you have a settlement selected it will give gold to the faction owning the settlement.Type the command into a text box that is below the chat box and visible when the chat is visible, then press the button to the right. Last revision: 1 May, 2022 at 17:11 UTC (6)Īdds a bunch of commands that help with mod making and testing.

Console commands warhammer total war 2